Three great secrets to properly discover the inner world and accurately know the outer world

The path to creating a lasting brand begins with discovering inner values and a detailed knowledge of the field of work. But the question is, how can we achieve a correct discovery of the inner world and accurate knowledge of the outer world? The answer is learning and doing the “three big secrets”.

The first secret: say less and listen more
When you stay silent and listen to what others are saying with complete presence and attention, away from prehearings, you get the opportunity to examine what they are saying from different angles. You will find out how each person “narrates” “himself” and “his business”. You recognize the unity or contradiction of each narrative and understand the meaning and impact of each word better.
When you are silent, you can hear the “voice of your mind” better. You get a chance to “edit” your “narrative” before you speak it. And finally, you will learn what words and what narrative structure to use to express more clearly, accurately and completely what you have in mind.
If you believe in the principle that “you are your word”, then to create your brand, you should always remember and act on this secret:
Say less and listen more.

The second secret: see more
When we see without awareness and too much, our mind is filled with various, irrelevant and scattered information that not only will not help to increase our knowledge and awareness, but we become more confused and anxious. You must practice choosing what you see “carefully” and “see more”. See how people or brands who have managed to gain a unique position in their field of work based on their inner values behave and what image they present to others.
Also, practice seeing “yourself” from the perspective of “others”. Pay attention to whether your behavior and the image you present to others are in harmony with your inner values and the position you want to achieve in your field of work.
See more of the inner world and the outer world, this great secret will help you reach the position you deserve from the safest path.

The third secret: write more
As long as ideas are in your head, they will never become “real”. Take the pen and write whatever you have in mind on the paper. This is the first step for your “ideas” to become “real”.
You may write irregularly, full and incomprehensible at first. You may be disappointed by reading your post. Note that practicing the third secret requires patience and persistence. So keep writing! You will see over time, the more you write, the more organized, coherent and clear your writing will become.
“Writing” helps you understand the power of words more and reach a suitable structure to express your ideas and thoughts. Also, by “writing more”, you subconsciously train your mind to speak concisely, accurately and effectively.
And finally, when you “write more”, your actions will also change and align with your thoughts and words.
Good thoughts, good words and good deeds in business will be possible by paying attention and acting to the “three big secrets”.

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