First question: Who are you?
Answering the four important questions is vital for any business (from a small business to the largest businesses), especially individual and small businesses.
First question: Who are you? Although the answer to this question seems simple, it is not so simple.
The experience of holding five “Business Storytelling” courses showed us that it takes weeks for a person to be able to answer this question with the guidance and support of trainers. Because answering this question requires an inner journey, which without a guide who knows the way, may be a fruitless journey, and the result is getting lost in the furnace of paths.
This inner journey should clarify for the person what is his main concern? What abilities does he have and do these abilities help him to reach the position he wants? And finally, he should make it clear to the person that he wants to stand by what commitment?
When a person can define “I” completely clearly and clearly for “himself”, then he can give an accurate and clear answer to the question “Who are you?” to give An answer that encourages the listener to hear his business story, believe it and follow the story with enthusiasm.
Second question: What is your business?
Too often, the product or service we purchased was not what we expected. Because the information given to us about the product or service was not accurate, complete and practical. Businesses that do not have a proper understanding of their audience and cannot have a correct narrative of their service or product will soon lose their place among the audience.
The correct answer to the second question ((What is your business?)) largely depends on the answer to the third question, that is, ((Who is your audience?)).
Third question: Who is your audience?
And to reach this answer, you need to answer other questions:
Is the audience you defined for your product or service really your audience?
Do you have a correct understanding of this audience?
Have you correctly identified the needs of your audience?
When you get a proper understanding of the audience and their needs, you must honestly answer these questions:
Does your product or service meet his needs?
How exactly does your product or service meet his needs?
What “value” does he receive by buying your product or service?
Answering these questions will help you describe your product or service accurately, completely and effectively, and you will be sure to create a special place in the minds of your audience. Because they believe that your “words” and “actions” are harmonious and unique.